Renegade Revolution Radio Episode 13: Energy Harvesting & 4D


In today’s episode, I explain the concept of energy harvesting. Humanity is meant to sustain our own personal energy. The best way for her to relate this is to create a parallel to the way air conditioners are designed to work (a subject she knows well because of her HVAC business). 

Although the human energetic body is designed to self-sustain under ideal circumstances, we’re not exactly in ideal living conditions currently, are we??

This episode gets interesting real fast, so be sure to tune in and enjoy the ride. You’ll also get a preview of a bonus episode coming soon!!

Lifeforce Energy and Trauma

We as humans have so much lifeforce energy. I talk about how we leak it out and how we can reclaim it. I also go into trauma and how they create holes that may cause leaks of our energetic forces. 

Robert Monroe

You’ll learn a little about Robert Monroe who coined the term “Out of Body Experience.”

Dark Forces and Intent and Consent

I move into mind control research and dark forces at play. We will finish up with intent and consent when it comes to your own personal energy.

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